Grauthedlar Tourist Cabin
Start the trek towards the west, first up a small elevation for about 5-10 minutes, then over a larger bog and up the hill, until arriving at two paths crossing. Continue to the west, first through a narrow crevice before turning to the left along the foot of the mountain. Stay parallel to the power lines for the next kilometers. Then, follow the south side of Øvra Ramsdalstjødn until arriving at its western end, where you will cross the creek back, arriving at the south side of this pond. At the end of the pond,. cross another creek and then underneath the power lines, continuing up Søra Kamsbrekka. From the top you will have a magnificent view over Kamsdalen. From here, continue downwards until almost halfway down, by two more crossing paths, where you will turn towards the south-west towards the top. Right under the top, you will see a large cairn from where you will have a beautiful view over Lyseheiane. Shortly after the path will turn to the left and in a more southern direction towards the power lines and Vaulatjødna where you should proceed to climb down the hill. It might be snowy here in the spring and it can be challenging to traverse. Continue along the northern side of the Heimra Vaulatjødn to the Indra Brudlatjødna, continuing along its eastern side. Some segments of this distance can be challenging if there has been a lot of snow, so beware. Continue on the south-eastern side of Heimra Brudlitjørna and then towards Lysedalen,. before turning northwards around a small mountain top, before continuing downwards along Jenafjell. Towards the bottom of the mountain you will once more cross some steep hillsides, before arriving at a lake, on your right side, which you should continue along. At the end of the lake you wil arrive at a dam and you should continue creek down the hill. After circling around Jenafjell the path will become easier to walk and you should arrive at the Tangen farm.
Grading: Challenging
Length: 17,8 km
Elevation: 734 m
Marking: DNT's red T's
Season: June till September
Duration: Ca. 9 hours
Grautheller DNT-cabin
Lysefjorden DNT-cabin